🀀Yield Farming

What is Yield Farming?

Yield Farming is an initiative used by DeFi Protocols to incentives liquidity and reward users in governance tokens. The idea is to gain users by giving them ownership of the protocol, following the ethos of decentralised protocols owned by their users.

In terms of Tapas, this means distributing $TAPA tokens to reward users who provide liquidity to our DEX and stake their Liquidity Provider Tokens (LP Tokens or LPTs). Staking LP Tokens earns you $TAPA rewards in proportion to how much the share of your LP is in respect to the total LPs staked in a particular farm. We aim to provide and efficient system for farming yield while also offering the best user experience.

Yield Farming Vesting Schedule

Bootstrapping Phase

During the first 6 months after once farming live, we'll undergo the Bootstrapping Phase using a predictable and aggressive Yield Farming Schedule to bootstrap users and TVL. To ensure early supporters of Tapas are maximally rewarded, ~5% of the mining reserve will be allocated towards Yield Farming in the first 6 months.

Last updated